Monday, April 30, 2012

What the World Needs Now

Hey friends!

It's election year and we've all heard way too many politicians shamelessly plugging themselves and all they can "do" for us.  They make a lot of promises they can't keep and few people benefit in the end.  I've jotted down some ideas that I think everyone could enjoy.  Read on and you'll see why. :)
  1. "Turn Signals for Dummies"
    Come on, I can't be the only one who gets frustrated with those negligent turds.  Really, how much effort does it take to flip on a turn signal?!  If you have the energy to turn the car on you can use a turn signal, I promise.  Granted, writing and publishing "Turn Signals for Dummies" might not make a huge difference, but at least it would make me feel better.
  2. Food-Scented Perfume
    Think about it, ladies.  Men are powerless to the smell of food.  You could walk into a club toothless and wearing sweats but if you smell like pepperoni pizza you are FINE.
  3. A 24-hour Krispy Kreme operated by Chippendales
    Do I really have to justify this one?  Didn't think so. :)

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