Hi kids!
This Easter break thing is pretty grand, huh? Since I've had a little (and I do mean a little) free time on my hands, I've selected three words that I use frequently and redefined them according to their relevance in my life. Read on and see if you agree.
This Easter break thing is pretty grand, huh? Since I've had a little (and I do mean a little) free time on my hands, I've selected three words that I use frequently and redefined them according to their relevance in my life. Read on and see if you agree.
- "Tragedy": When you drive home dreaming about chocolate chips and get home only to realize that you do not, in fact, have chocolate chips.
- "Terrorist": A spoiled child who screams for Cheerios every minute of a flight from Seattle to Wichita.
- "Unforgivable": Anything to do with cutting in line at Krispy Kreme.
Am I right or am I right? As always, thanks for reading, commenting, and sharing with your peeps. :)
Chris and I totally had a tragedy last night. We decided to take a bike ride to the store to get frozen limeade and fresh strawberries to then return home and make into frozen strawberry limeade slushies as a refreshing reward for a five mile biking outing. Rode all the way to the store and they were COMPLETELY OUT OF STRAWBERRIES! Road all the way home, empty handed. Tragedy.